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  • How long can I freeze your products?
    Products can be frozen for up to one year. However, most products are best if consumed within 6 months.
  • What is SQF?
    SQF stands for Safe Quality Food. The SQF Program is a fully integrated food safety and quality management protocol designed specifically for the food sector. Developed over 10 years, it is designed specifically for the food industry with application at all links in the food supply chain. SQF Certification provides an independent and external validation that a product, process, or service complies with international, regulatory, and other specified standard(s). It also enables a food supplier to give assurances that food has been produced, prepared, and handled according to the highest possible standards. SQF is designed to support industry or company branded products. Suppliers design and implement customized management systems to demonstrate equivalence with GAP/GMP and other best practice programs. Achieving SQF certification indicates a supplier’s commitment to producing safe, quality food.
  • What is USDA Process Verified?
    Salmon Creek Farms Natural Pork is USDA Process Verified for the following points: All market hogs can be source-verified to Salmon Creek Farms Marketing Association partner farms. Use of Paylean™ (Ractopamine) is prohibited in the production of Salmon Creek Farms Natural Pork. No rendered animal proteins (including meat meal, bone meal, or blood meal) are used in the production of Salmon Creek Farms Natural Pork. All hogs used in Salmon Creek Farms Natural Pork are sourced from PQA Plus certified producers. Salmon Creek Farms Marketing Association performs meat quality evaluations. The USDA Process Verified Program provides suppliers of agricultural products or services with the opportunity to assure customers of their ability to provide consistent quality products or services. It is limited to programs (or portions of programs) where specified process verified points are supported by a documented quality management system. The specified process verified points are identified by the supplier. The USDA Process Verified Program uses the International Organizations for Standardization’s ISO 9000 series standards for documented quality management systems as a format for evaluating program documentation to ensure consistent auditing practices and promote international recognition of audit results. Salmon Creek Farms Natural Pork will continue to maintain extensive documentation and undergo annual comprehensive audits by USDA AMS as part of the USDA Process Verification program. Learn more about USDA Processed Verified Program by visiting
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National Pork Board

The National Pork Board executes specific programs in the areas of promotion, research and education.  No funds are used for lobbying or to influence government policy.

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Check out their website for:

  • Recipes

  • Production Practices

  • Pork in the News

  • Meat's Role in Human Nutrition

National Pork Producers Council

The National Pork Producers Council works to ensure that the U.S. pork industry remains a consistent and responsible supplier of high-quality pork to domestic and international markets.

national pork producers council, pork, meat
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Check out their website for:

  • Pork Facts

  • Pork in the News

  • Animal Health and Food Safety

  • Blogs (Mom at the Meat Counter, Farmer Bloggers, etc)

  • Scientific Articles regarding Pork Production

North American Meat Institute

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NAMI is a national trade association that represents companies that process 95% of red meat and 70% of turkey products in the U.S. and their suppliers throughout America.  Supporting the meat and poultry industry by educating, advocating, and influencing.

Check out their website for:

  • Scientific Research

  • Animal Health

  • Food Safety

  • Meat and Poultry Nutrition

  • Meat MythCrushers

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